Our Team
Dr Bianca Fileborn
Dr Bianca Fileborn (she/her, they/their) is a Lecturer in Criminology, University of Melbourne. She is currently an ARC DECRA Fellow, and her project examines victim-centred justice responses to street harassment in Australia. Dr Fileborn’s recent research is focused on the intersections of sexual and gender-based violence, space/place, identity and culture. Their other recent projects include an examination of safety and harassment for patrons of taxi and ride share services, and sexual violence and safety at Australian music festivals. Bianca is the author of Reclaiming the night-time economy: unwanted sexual attention in licensed venues, and co-editor of #MeToo and the politics of social change (Palgrave). You can follow them on Twitter via @snappyalligator.
Photo credit: Andrew Arch
Tully O’Neill
Tully O’Neill (she/her, they/their) is a Research Assistant and Sessional Academic at the University of Melbourne. Tully’s recent research has explored the ways that victim-survivors disclose their experiences of sexual violence online, and how justice can occur in digital spaces. You can follow Tully on Twitter via @tullyoneill_.
Dr Jess Hardley
Dr Jess Hardley (she/her) is an intersectional feminist, embodiment and mobile media scholar. She holds a PhD in Media and Communication from RMIT University and a joint Research Master’s Degree in Gender Studies from Utrecht University and Central European University. Her research primarily focuses on smartphones, gendered experiences of urban space, and experiences of safety and risk. She has been researching and teaching across Media Studies, Digital Cultures, Internet Studies, Cultural Studies and Gender Studies for over a decade. She currently works as a Research Assistant in Criminology at The University of Melbourne on a project exploring victim-survivor experiences of street harassment. You can follow Jess on Twitter via @jesshardley